MeRegioMobil - Electric Mobility in the Future Energy System

Research Project MeRegioMobil

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ICT for Electric Mobility - An Initiative of the BMWi

As part of its second economic stimulus package, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) carried out in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety the technology competition "ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for Electric Mobility". The goal of this initiative is the development and evaluation of ICT-based key technologies and services for the integration of electric mobility into the existing energy and transportation system.
This new funding program of the Federal Government ties in closely with the major research project E-Energy of the BMWi (


The main research and development areas of the seven model projects are:

  • Integration into the grid (controlled battery-charging and feeding back electrical energy)
  • Navigation and driving assistance
  • Tariffs and billing processes
  • Vehicle fleets and mobility services


With an investment volume of 100 Mio. Euros, prototypical and efficient solutions will be produced which will be tested for the first time in an all-embracing field test. "ICT for Electric Mobility" is therefore an important contribution to the National Development Plan Electric Mobiliy of the Federal Government.


In the future, batteries of electric vehicles could be used as mobile electrical storage systems with the help of ICT, in order to absorb surplus wind and solar power from the grid and vice versa supply the grid with the stored energy when necessary. The participants of the competition were required to submit the description of their R&D projects till March 31, 2009. MeRegioMobil has been chosen as one of the winning consortiums at the end of April 2009.


A coser look at MeRegioMobi's project structure will give an overview of the upcoming tasks and desired results.